
A few topics to burn some time

Eloquent - dig deeper

If you're looking for an intro to Eloquent, you won't find it here. Instead, I'll try to illustrate some real problems I've run into regarding Eloquent, and databases in general.

You'll find these things in the Eloquent documentation, but you have to look for them, otherwise they're easy to miss. Especially when you're starting and everything is easy and just works. It's power is limitle...

Bits and pieces

In here, I'll write some guidelines to follow when I'm coding. Word of advice: there will be some pretty opionated ideas, which you may not like. And it's ok, the good thing about coding is that every one of us do it differently and has a different carrier path we're trying to walk.

3 Articles
Tags: php laravel

Vim - a coding alternative

Many will argue that Vi/Vim is an extremely old editor with no benefits to development whatsoever. I won’t get into that, the web is full of articles and/or rants in favor/against vi.

My personal take on the matter is that I HAD to learn about it (because you can’t really learn everything) so I can decide if it’s usefull or not. And it took me 4 tries. The learning curve is extreme, I c...

5 Articles
Tags: vim ide

Tiny tips

In here, I will throw anything small enough that it doesn't deserves its own series. That said, there will be some things to keep in mind while coding. And I'll start with the one that baffled me hard: Laravel artisan commands constructor.

1 Articles
Tags: php laravel

Everything (I know) about git

So … you’ve had it with those (S)FTP servers ? Or you join a team that need some sort of tool to avoid constant overwrite of one’s work ? Or maybe you took a break from coding and you need a quick refresh on Git ? If there’s an ‘Yes’ somewhere there, I suggest you try this series.

It will go through the basics of using Git and move on to some of the tools that extend git (like git-flow)...

0 Articles
Tags: git