Bits and pieces

In here, I'll write some guidelines to follow when I'm coding. Word of advice: there will be some pretty opionated ideas, which you may not like. And it's ok, the good thing about coding is that every one of us do it differently and has a different carrier path we're trying to walk.

1. If

I know it’s the shortest title in the history of online articles, but that’s what this article is all about. All the various use-cases, refactoring possibilities of ‘if’ statement I can think of.

But why bother ? I mean… we learned this like 100 years ago, we’ve been using it every single coding day, no matter the application, framework, language.

20 mins read

2. Variables

While this may be the simplest thing in an application, I found that properly naming your elements throughout the code is a permanent, constant struggle. This may come as a total non-sense to you; in that case, I’m extremely happy (read jealous) that it’s a non-issue out there, for me, as I’ve already mentioned, a constant struggle.

10 mins read


Ah, the well-commented code. We so love that one... Well, I'm not really a big fan. Not saying comments are bad, they exist for several reasons. But when we resort to comments to avoid proper coding, sorry but that's just being lazy. If I come of a little too harsh, well I have my reasons.

In this one, we'll see a handful of ways to avoid commenting bad code and a couple of ways to comm...

30 mins read